Tuesday, November 16, 2004


QT Fun

Today, I was going to get the app working under the Mac (or at least get as much of it done as possible), but I was stymied somewhat.

Turns out, you have to compile QT with threads enabled if you want to be able to compile applications that use threads. I know, I know, sounds obvious, but it's the kind of thing you'll get wrong once and never forget. Especially as the dang thing takes so long to compile.

So, I occupied myself with experimenting with QT, trying to make applications go nicely etc. Turns out it's a little harder than it looks, but I began to get some things working. I'm in the process of making a model-view-controller app, but I've had to stop for the moment while I start QT compiling (again).

The worst thing about QT is its compile speed. It has a preprocessor, which goes through and makes all the special QT keywords work properly. This means there's an extra step, and while it's not too slow, it all adds up (especially when there are a zillion files to compile).

I'm looking forward to getting things working tomorrow.

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