Thursday, November 25, 2004


The trials of versions

The good news is that CVS is up and running. Things are going in and coming out of the repository just fine. If I screw up, I'll be able to go back to a version easy as anything.

However, the bad news is that we've pretty much had to ditch all the stuff I was working on last week. I was working on a different version than what was in the old CVS repository, and when I tried to add my stuff in, all hell broke loose. Turns out there are some pretty significant differences between the two, and we ended up deciding to just go with the later one. So, I've got a new programme to understand, and this one doesn't play sound. Yet.

I'm going through the classes, trying to understand what's what. The sound stream structure of this version is quite different to the older one - that's something to get my head around. This one's better - there's a Channel class, for instance - but it's new.

My task is to get it to play sound, but I'm not sure how that's going to happen. I'm stuck at the moment. I figure I'll just go back to working out where everything is.

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